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Current Research & Project

Mar. 2022 ~ Feb. 2027

한국연구재단 우수신진연구
TIPTOP: Tracer Isotopes of Provenance and Trajectories of Ocean Particles

Principal Investigator.
Korea NRF

July 2022~Dec. 2025

북서태평양 탄소순환에 영향을 미치는 기후, 환경, 생태계 변화 연구


October 2023~August 2028

G-LAMP: Global Learning & Academic research institution for Master’s‧PhD students, and Postdocs


Apr. 2022~Dec. 2024

해양 기후변화에 대한 동해 심해생태계 반응 연구

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries​, Collaboration


SIOS-스발바르 극지연구단체
Radiocarbonscape in the Svalbard: New insights from groundwater

Principal Investigator.

HOST: NPI (Norweigian Polar Institute)

Jan. 2022 ~ Dec. 2024

PAP (Polar Academic Project) 극지연구소
OTTO: Oceanic Transfer of Terrigeneous-derived Organic matter in Kongsfjorden, Arctic Sea

Principal Investigator.

2021 -> 2025

SCAR Fellowship
HOST: AWI (독일 극지연구소)

Principal Investigator.

Jan. 2022~Dec. 2022

ECO: Early Career Oceanographers) networking and seminar

Research Support


Small-Amount Radiocarbon Analysis of Atlantic Seawater (SARAAS)
MOU Exchange program between Korea and Switzerland (SNSF (Swiss-NSF) and Korea NRF)

Principal Investigator.

Previous Research & Project


WISET Support for Paper Publication

Research Support

Sep. 2020 ~early termination with a faculty position

Basic Science Research Program for postdoc (Korea NSF)
Dynamics of full-depth suspended particulate organic matter: The link between POC and DOC continuum

Principal Investigator

Sep. 2019 ~ Aug. 2020

SLALOM (Significance of Laterally trAnsported Lithogenic particle-hosted Organic Matter)

Principal Investigator.

Funded by Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship (Federal Commission for Scholarships)

The transport of particulate organic carbon (POC) from primary production is an essential part of the global carbon cycle. At the same time, energetic processes can induce resuspension and associated lateral POC transport, forming nepheloid layers are also important, yet much less well constrained. I propose to examine lateral transport processes, focusing on the significance of aged POC associated with lithogenic material. I will use carbon isotope, biomarker and clay mineralogical analyses on suspended, sinking, and sedimented particles that span vertically, temporally, and spatially distributed domains in order to answer two key questions: i) what is the nature and age of lithogenic matter-hosted POC within nepheloid layers? and ii) what are the mechanisms driving lithogenic matter-hosted POC transport?

The Northwest Atlantic is an ideal location to address these questions by high kinetic energy, persistent nepheloid layers, multiple particle trajectories and distinctive lithogenic source signatures. Through the host professor’s prior research activities, I will have access to long term sediment trap samples with hydrographic data. High-depth resolution suspended particles and sediment samples will enable a comprehensive picture to be developed for carbon dynamics. ETHZ has cutting edge facilities required to carry out the proposed research. Using a synergistic interdisciplinary approach, this research will further our understanding of lateral POC transport (mechanisms, fluxes, provenance and composition), shedding new light on these enigmatic and yet important processes.

Sep. 2019 ~ Aug. 2020

Basic Science Research Program for postdoc (Korea NSF)

Principal Investigator.

Significance of laterally transported lithogenic particle-hosted organic matter

Mar. 2018~Aug. 2019

Past and present organic carbon cycling on the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica

PhD student project for basic arts and sciences (Seoul National University)

Principal Investigator.

The Southern Ocean, and the polynyas are one of the regions affected by climate changes the most rapidly and significantly. This project was highly related to my PhD dissertation that explored the present and past carbon cycling and its integrated response to climate change on the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica through multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary scales and levels, carried out in collaboration with KOPRI (Korea Polar Research Institute), ETH Zürich, and BAS (British Antarctic Survey) Various aspects of particulate organic carbon (POC) and sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) cycling in present and past were investigated. This study contributed to further advance our understanding and future climate model of the organic carbon cycling in the Amundsen Sea, one of the most rapidly changing, the least affected by human activity region around the Antarctica.

Aug. 2018~Dec.2018

Contribution of resuspended sediments to sinking particles in the ocean

Young researcher’s exchange program between Korea and Switzerland (Korea NSF)

Principal Investigator, NRF-2017K1A3A1A14092122

We have assessed the broader significance of lithogenic matter-hosted POC as a component of sinking particulate matter fluxes in different oceanic settings with particular focus on continental margins. Prior sediment trap studies performed in various ocean basins have paid little attention to lithogenic fluxes and resuspension processes. The investigation shed new light with respect to how significant and how widespread these processes are, as well as to provide a stronger basis for understanding the relationship between the lithogenic composition and organic matter content and 14C composition.

Mar.2015~Feb. 2018

Evaluating a proxy for a polynya development in deep ocean sediments on the Amundsen Shelf

Global PhD fellowship (Korea NSF)

Principal Investigator, Global PhD fellowship 2015032018

Selected for Great-Performance award in 2017

Sediment samples collected by gravity core and boxcore were used to investigate recent and Holocene organic carbon cycling in this region. High resolution radiocarbon ages in depth for the cores were analyzed. History of the ASP formation and sedimentation characteristics were examined from three gravity cores recovered in the shelf break, inside the polynya, and near the Dotson Ice Shelf . The up-core variation of biogeochemical proxies implied that the shelf break region and the ASP experienced different environment after deglaciation. Based on paleoproductivity proxies (ratio of Br/Ti, Ba/Al), OC normalized brassicasterol, and diatom valve abundances, temporal evolution of the ASP were studied.

Sep. 2011~Aug. 2019

1. A study on carbon cycling in polar regions and its response to climate change using radiocarbon
2. Understanding the current carbon cycling and past sedimentation of organic carbon in the Amundsen Sea


The Antarctic region is being influenced by climate change most severely. Physical changes such as seasonal sea ice melting will influence the carbon cycling in this region. The change in carbon cycling, in turn, will affect the future climate change through feedback mechanisms. Understanding the cause of the change in carbon cycling of this region will provide information to enhance the model performance for future climate projection. 

West Antarctic region is experiencing a rapid decrease of ice shelf thickness. This region has recently attracted international research interests to understand the current status and the cause of melting of the ice shelf. In this sense, it is necessary and timely to perform a multi-prong, interdisciplinary, and multi-year research project to study the Amundsen Sea in the West Antarctic related to the carbon cycling.

As part of this large project, operated by KOPRI, we focused  on understanding the POC (particulate organic carbon) cycling in the Amundsen Sea. Also we aim to reveal the water circulation using radiocarbon of the DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) in the Amundsen Sea.

I joined in three times of the Amundsen Sea cruises through this program. 

Following are the investigated sets of paper-unit studies:

  1. 1-year sinking particles in sea ice covered region (SIZ) had been obtained and compared to the one obtained inside the ASP and suggested that POC flux at both sites in summer were comparable despite the considerable difference in primary productivity (Kim et al., 2015).

  2. We examined the recent history of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) accumulation on the western Amundsen Shelf, to help characterize the biological carbon pump in the Amundsen Sea. At the center of the polynya, a sudden change in SOC accumulation rate was observed at about 16 cm depth, corresponding to 4.7 kyr BP, implying that changes (during this time period) in physical environments greatly affected primary production, SOC burial and/or supply of allochthonous particles to this site (Kim et al., 2016).

  3. We use radiocarbon isotope signature from dissolved inorganic carbon to examine how rapidly atmospheric CO2 is absorbed into the Amundsen Sea Polynya and how long the water should stay in the western Amundsen Shelf to have the observed radiocarbon isotope signature (B, Kim et al., 2018).

  4. Temporally expanded two-year data covering three summers were obtained in the perennial SIZ. Sea ice evolution and POC export and their relationship in perennial SIZ was examined, too. Spatial comparisons among the sinking particles obtained in perennial SIZ, inside the ASP and in front of DIS were also made (Kim et al., 2019).

  5. Collection of large benthic invertebrates including juvenile scallops, a sea urchin, and long and slender worms in sediment traps for 2 years at three locations in the Amundsen Shelf also have been reported. Plausible source region and transport mechanisms of these benthic organisms and the impacts on Antarctic biology, as a disturbance to benthic ecosystems, a dispersal mechanism for benthic invertebrates, and an energy supply to the deeper benthic ecosystems were investigated   (Kim et al., 2019).

  6. Sediment samples collected by gravity core were used to investigate recent and Holocene organic carbon cycling in this region. High resolution radiocarbon ages in depth for the cores were analyzed. History of the ASP formation and sedimentation characteristics were examined from three gravity cores recovered in the shelf break, inside the polynya, and near the Dotson Ice Shelf Gravity core-temporally expanded (Kim et al., in prep).

  7. Box core samples from various locations of different surface water conditions in the western Amundsen Shelf were investigated to complement the spatial limitation of gravity cores. Radiocarbon, biomarkers representing phytoplankton communities and paleoproductivity (brassicasterol, cholesterol, and dinosterol), and grain size were analyzed for a high spatial-resolution of SOC accumulation characteristics on the Amundsen Shelf Sterols, high resolution spatial understanding (Kim et al., in prep).

Sep. 2011~Feb. 2015

Deep Water Circulation and Material Cycling in the East Sea


In this project, I tried to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the particle transport dynamics with biogeochemical and 14C-isotopic properties to quantify the biological carbon pump processes and carbon preservation in the sediment of marginal seas.

I joined in several field cruises to the East/Japan Sea. I analyzed Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and particulate organic carbon (POC)-suspended, sinking particles, and sedimentary organic carbon (SOC). 

Following are the investigated sets of paper-unit studies:

  1. 1-year time-series sediment traps deployed at depths of ~1000 m and ~2300 m on bottom-tethered mooring at Station EC1 (37.33°N, 131.45°E) in the Ulleung Basin (UB), southwestern part of the East Sea had been investigated to understand the biological pump system (Kim et al., 2017).

  2. Long-term sediment trap study at three depths (500, 1000, and 2000 m) on a mooring from 2010 to 2018 are processed and tried to understand together with Impacts of the 2015/16 Super El Niño and warm eddy (Kim et al., in prep.). 

  3. Vertical radiocarbon age and lipid biomarkers (FAs, sterols) are obtained to understand the transport and sediment preservation of organic matter and pollutant in the Ulleung Basin (Kim et al., in prep.).

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